Versions Compared


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We are excited to launch an updated version of ARIES/Dispatch user interface! This page outlines the major changes coming to the product and provides a side by side comparison of the changes. Feedback on the changes is much appreciated and can be sent to our helpdesk by emailing partnersupport@autura

  • Autura is providing a new “front-end” to ARIES Dispatch.  This update does not change the way the system processes or stores information. Our goal is to continue to provide the latest technology available and consistently iterating to make your experience better.  

  • Specifically, here are some significant benefits of the new user interface:  

    • Updated, configurable homepage views for active tow requests, alerts, and more. Personalize/Select the columns to be shown in the active tow table and rearrange the order.

    • Convenient Search bar to locate an active tow using tow number, driver name, tow location, vehicle make, or vehicle color   

    • Enhance your focus with dedicated page for all active alerts (both agency chat alerts and time/status alerts)  

    • View all active tows in the new Google mapping experience.  


Provide step-by-step instructions and hands-on exercises that can be applied using the Training (demo) environment. User training logins will be provided separately.

  • Dispatchers:

    View file
    nameAutura ARIES Dispatch (web) Training - Requesting a Tow.pdf
    (videos below)

Video Learning

  • The content addresses aspects of the 4 W’s: Who, What, Why, & Where that make up the recipe for requesting a Tow.

    • Who is requesting the tow,

    • What kind of vehicle is it for and equip needed to remove it,

    • Why is it being towed and

    • Where is it located?

  • The first video learning shows the Zero to Dispatch workflow in action complete from the eyes of a Dispatcher and the interaction with the Tow Service Provider is included. This is a rare look at real-time interaction between the person requesting the tow and the tow driver/company.

  • The rest of the video will train you on using the various areas of the home page.


Video Learning

00 - Autura Zero to Dispatch (Web) Promo video teaser

Autura ARIES Dispatch Web 2024 promo.mp4

01 - Zero to Dispatch

Dispatch 01 - Zero to dispatch demo.mp4

02 - Home Page Overview

Dispatch 02 - Home Page Overview.mp4

03 - Start a New Tow Request

Dispatch 03 - Start a New Tow Request.mp4

04 - Adding Location info to a new tow request

Dispatch 04 - Adding Location to New Tow Request.mp4

05 - Adding Vehicle Info to a new tow request

Dispatch 05 - Adding Vehicle Info - New Tow Request.mp4

06 - Notes intro and submitting a new tow request

Dispatch 06 - Notes Intro and Submitting New Tow Request.mp4

07 - Agency Notes - Communicating with Autura Partner Support

Dispatch 07 - Agency Notes - Communicating with Partner Support.mp4

08 - Viewing Tow History

coming soon

09 - Selecting columns for display in the Active Tows table

coming soon
