Impound use cases

Impound use cases

Here’s a list of common use cases for Impound and how to go about using them. Impound handles vehicles once they have reached the impound lot, until the time they are released or sold.

Accepting online payments for vehicles

see How to submit payments for impound vehicles

Searching for vehicles

See step 1 in How to submit payments for impound vehicles . The search endpoint does not return the full vehicle details, there is a separate endpoint for that (see below)

Getting vehicle details

After you have gotten the vehicleId from your search you can retrieve additional details with a different endpoint. See step 2 in How to submit payments for impound vehicles

Handling notifications

Notifications are created from certain vehicle actions and are used to handle some amount of manual work in a system outside of Impound. See https://autoreturn.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PAD/pages/2644148260

Getting various kinds of reference data

Many different types of reference data are available, which can be useful if you’re making a search or are interested in all the possible return values for a field. They’re all found with the prefix of /refdata and include everything from Makes & models, to zones and and overlay to show on your map if you want to represent the shape of a towing zone.